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The Ishy / Perce Debate

highland lassie

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That's the first five books just come in, so another update will follow shortly....in the meantime I can report that the boys were early to bed (again) last night. They came up to the Milton for a bit, but had vanished without saying goodbye by the time we got out of the office - don't worry though, they've already been reprimanded. :D

After Tuesday's escapades, the TC leaderboard looked like this :

01. StuHRC (44)

02. BoydW (63)

03. Trialero (69)

04. Perce (104)

05. Ishy (113)

06. Sharpy (115)

07. Physco (127)

08. Timp (150)

09. Army Man (152)

10. Gizza5 (155)

11. Staggiedog (156)

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Spoke to both this morning would have to say Perce sounded the more serious, well lets say he wasn't complaing about anything anyway, no ailments and the bike is, apparently, the best thing since sliced bread.

The tin can.

and barbed wire.

Edited by Nigel Dabster
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Perce is on a flyer today! He's lost a total of 46, including 16 on the Inversanda sections (which took a fair few marks off the top boys) and a 5 on the big step at Trotters. Ishy's lost 83 today, but 10 of that was on time and he matched Perce on Inversanda. However, he did get a 2 on the step at Trotters, so it wasn't all bad news!

The moral of Wednesday's story is to do your own sums...Ish was one of quite a few who left the time calculations to the garages and came off worst because of it. Lazy sod. :D

Despite all of that, they're both still going strong! Perce is in 117th place, well within the first class awards range, and Ishy is 157th but still has plenty time to get back up the leaderboard. Good luck to them for tomorrow - it's dried out a fair bit here tonight, so with any luck they'll get a decent run out in the morning. Thursday's the longest day of the week by far, so getting drenched before you get to the first sections just means a long, long, cold day ahead. Keep your fingers crossed for them! :D

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I'd say he missed two sections somehow. Happened to me the year I rode. went from 55th to 110th in one dis-heartening swoop! Hey HL, anyway if you can tell me if a Craig Comer, rider #176 is from Sommerset England area??? I saw a pic of him from Andy's shots. He looks a lot like a bloke who came over here in the late 80's to ride US Nationals( but mostly lay in the sun and party). Haven't ever heard much from him since he was deported from the US. :D

Cheers, Steve

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:D Thanks so much Highland Lassuie for keeping us poor working sods updated on the latest news. It is very much appreciated! Sorry to hear our lad has missed two sections today. That's a shame. I gotta' say I am very impressed with the fact that Ishy is doing so well for a guy who claims to spend alot of time "sleeping on couch". Can't resist posting this photo of the lad suffering through the cold miserable hardship of the Scottish. Wish I was there too so much!


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I'd say he missed two sections somehow. Happened to me the year I rode. went from 55th to 110th in one dis-heartening swoop! Hey HL, anyway if you can tell me if a Craig Comer, rider #176 is from Sommerset England area??? I saw a pic of him from Andy's shots. He looks a lot like a bloke who came over here in the late 80's to ride US Nationals( but mostly lay in the sun and party). Haven't ever heard much from him since he was deported from the US. :D

Cheers, Steve

He is indeed from the Somerset area!

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Last nights Ishy/Perce update was Perce dropped 42 for the day, leaving him in 111th place, and Ishy dropped 49, leaving him in 149th place. I suspect Ishy will be at least 130th by the end of the week though....don't think he's keen to go home without his first class award! :D

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Thanks HL for this thread!

Any chance in a list of names and there number so we that don't know them

can figure out who's who in the pictures?

01. StuHRC

02. BoydW

03. Trialero

04. Perce

05. Ishy 273

06. Sharpy

07. Physco

08. Timp

09. Army Man

10. Gizza5

11. Staggiedog

Edited by Brian R
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