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West Coast Championship Series

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That was an FIM invention, it was their last attempt to get North American Trials off the ground before giving up on the sport in the USA and Canada. It had been hoped that our countries would be the engine of future growth for trials, it wasn't.

Now they are looking to China and Asia! We have been given up on!

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Back in 2001 I remember we were a couple of canadian riders going to NY (Cayuta) to ride 2 US national rounds (NATC). Theses 2 rounds were also part of the NAMU championship.

These was an agreement with the CMA and AMA in which you had to be member of either one of the association to enter the events. So I entered both events as a CMA member only.

Then there was NAMU rounds in Ontario and I believe and the same concept applied.


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We talked about this a few years back via a No. CA vrs So CA [PITS vrs ATA]as this would give us a two or three page color spread in Cycle News.

I'll mention it to the boys at the next ATA meeting as I'm sure it's a positive idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, when we did the inaugural NAMU events, you only had to be a member of the sanctioning body of your country of origin. Canadian riders only needed to be CMA to ride in either countries' NAMU event, and the USA riders need only be an AMA member to ride either side of the border for the NAMU event.

Ishy, in the PNTA series, I am pretty sure you need an AMA license to ride at Gold Bar, (perhaps their insurance is thru AMA)however the rest of the series does not require a CMA or AMA license.

Doug Williams

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