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Yet again this topic has to be brought to the attention of riders. StuartC has a observer abused and insulted at a trial. Why!! because he has given a 5! I'm sorry but how do some riders expect Trials to continue in this climate. We are not Premiership footballers, the observer can be swayed if you ask but to abuse a volunteer especially in the conditions on Sunday is not permissable. I was out at West Leeds and due to problems couldn't take a position, however at Horsforth I was out there marking. Whenever I can I take a section which is difficult when My lad is attempting to climb to the hard route in only his fourth/fifth full year of riding I expect a little ribbing but some riders are to be honest taking the p1$$ expecting a clean to be marked when a five is clearly what they should have. At My age they tend not to argue, however when I am following NYL (slowly and usually in distress), I have felt the need to step in now and again. Fortunetly in the Yorkshire centre we do have experienced observers, Getting some to replace them in years to come may prove difficult if the attitude's StuartC's young observer came across persist. Chill out and remenber. If the observer gives you a 5 then your rivals probably will get one as well!!!!!!

P.S. What hell Am I doing here on break night at this time!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Telecat
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It'll never change, poor observers will always get grief generally by riders who think they are much better than they really are. A 5 is a 5, if they can';t hack it well they could always try kissball (sorrty football).....

Maybe we should have a proper rule stating that any abuse can be properly punished by exclusion, kick one rider out you won't find many at it after this

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There's arguing the point in a sporting, respectful way and there's been abusive and insulting. Anyone who behaves in the latter should be disqualified, if this happens on more than one occassion they should be banned from the centre. Without observers there wouldn't be trials. If there is a problem with a particular centre, equip the observers with yellow and red cards like in the WTC.

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I suspect we've all questioned the decision of an Observer; and to some extent this is acceptable. I've had a 'five' for going the wrong way and only realised after I'd questioned the score.

But once the observer explains the decision, then that is it.

I'm sorry to say that it's often the top riders who show a bad example which 'us' mere mortals follow.

If every WTC rider stopped at the end of their last lap and shook the observers hand and said thank you, you would soon see riders at club level doing the very same thing.

Our observers are very precious and we should do everything we can to encourage them to continue.

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make the rider give the observer 50 quid to query his score like in rallying and the arguing soon stops

observers are a precious commodity without which we wouldnt have our sport ban somebody name them in TMX and it'll stop fast as you like

Edited by totalshell
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should be like rugby...ref's decision is final. Or if youre that miffed appeal to clerk of the course or whatever the equivalent is

I watched a pre 65 at skyrakes last year and every rider thanked the observer as they exited the section...now thats how it should be

The Observers decision IS final and no-one can overturn that decision unless it concerns the mis-interpretation of the rules (ie if a stop merits a five or a one)

If an observer says they saw two dabs then two is the score regardless of any official protests.

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The observers round here usually change the 5 to a ten if the rider argues with them ( i think)

This is a good idea as the experts always seem to have an exact score in their mind, so if they argue they will realise they have a 10 (no offence but it is usually them that argue)

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It's clearly laid in the ACU handbook TSR24 and TSR36.

but why annoy someone who next time will not call you back to point out a missed gate, or will mark you down for that little lean on a tree.

Be nice to observers and they will be nice to you.

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Only just started riding again as some of you know and then only in Classic Pre 65 trials. I observed at some events before getting the bike finished and did find a few riders ask in a questioning tone what their score was. This is ok in my book. However there should never ever be an occaision when any rider for any reason argues with an observer.

We are only a bunch of old and not so old "wobblers" playing at it for Christs sake. It's not life or death.

One thing i have noticed at Midland Classic and Peak Classic events is that 99% of the entry made a point of thanking the observer on the last lap which is something i have tried to also do as i feel it's the least i can do for somebody who has stood out in the cold and wet so i can enjoy my sport. In fact they should receive at least a

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I too just started competing again after a 25 or 30 year hiatus ...

And yes at my first modern event I got enough 5's for a whole season , but in my defense the bulk of them were for cleaning a section on the wrong line ! or just completely blowing the section . ( I was excited like a little kid !)

But it was the different observers that made the day for me , I received the most congratulations and encouragement from them the whole day long ... They all made me feel good at the end of the sections even when I did something stupid !!!

How could you be ungrateful for them spending the day watching everyone else ride and enjoying themselves !!

Oh well now another old guy rambling...



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should be like rugby...ref's decision is final. Or if youre that miffed appeal to clerk of the course or whatever the equivalent is

I watched a pre 65 at skyrakes last year and every rider thanked the observer as they exited the section...now thats how it should be

The Observers decision IS final and no-one can overturn that decision unless it concerns the mis-interpretation of the rules (ie if a stop merits a five or a one)

If an observer says they saw two dabs then two is the score regardless of any official protests.

i agree with that scorpa3.....my main point is the rugby one where the ref isn't even questioned, the lads just stand there and take the decision good or bad. Contrast that with proffessional football which most kids/adults/grumpy old men & women get to see numerous times a week and that for me sets the tone for what we do.

I'll get off me soapbox and go and have a lie down in a darkened room! :)

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