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Making It Harder

alan bechard

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So, reading the banter, and sitting and thinking about it, particularly the comment about 5 US pro riders.

What effect would making the US pro class substantially harder have? Although really the same could be asked of any class at any level.

My personal opinion is that we would have that many less riders in class, with many opting to drop down, or possibly out.

Anyone else have some thoughts on this?

What if we added another class (this is theoretical by the way, I am not advocating nor endorsing nor saying we should do this) on top of the Pro line in US trials that we called the "want to go to World" line. Who would ride it?

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I read the same post Al, first thing I thought is two rider champ class.

I think some are missing the point, that the technical side of riding is letting the US riders down.

There are two types of hard section, one takes threes of the majority and the perfect ride gets a clean, the other stops the majority dead and the perfect ride gets up the silly step.

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For some reason I call the first one a Charlie section. That would be three's from the majority, but a perfect ride was a clean :)

I had one of those, National # 14 on Friday.

Little bit of intimidation there with steps (but Dean wanted to try it so it was not that scary) An awful lot of points taken. An occasional 5, and a couple (3 I think) over the bars ugly things when things went real wrong.

But I must say when Mr. Young came through very tired looking on his second loop, when many folks were just punching 5's, and did a brilliant clean ride through the section, it was inspiring to me.

I would also add that I hear more complaints when I set a trial too hard then when I miss and set too easy. How many folks would complain a couple times, then just not show up for the next one?

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steps steps steps

They can be spectacular to watch, and getting up one when your not convinced you can is one of the best feelings in trials. BUT people also are more likely to be hurt on them, a little bit of fear is fun but everyone has a limit.

In my experience of setting out trials you can never take marks off the top guys with big steps, but you can spoil everyone elses day. The technical tight section or the slippy bankside or river will take marks off everyone but nobody generally gets hurt, no bikes get broken and the top guys loose marks.

so make your pro class harder just dont make it too daunting, its normally the turns that take the marks anyway as given sufficient run up a capable rider will get up most things.

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Do you people agree, just run the same format year after year?

Support riders on Friday and World Round riders on the weekend, along with are nations best. I thought it was spetacular seeing are Experts and Pros riding the same day. This should effect and raise the level of are riders further down the road. The WR even effected the riders on Friday, I heard several people say it was the hardest national they had ever entered, So the event obviously raised USA TRIALS standards!

TTC was my first national and I must admitt I had a blast, best parts is the start

with the clock and all, I nearly fell off riding down the plank at the cazebo! :)

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Guys, we Crossed this bridge and had a solid solution to that issue but it was flushed by the NATC. Remember?

The foremat layed out before the NATC last meeting that it rejected had harder sections, in the finals. More competition, with a bigger top class by combining Pro and Expert. Added more technical sections in the preliminary event, then hammered the best 5 on world class sections.

It was a win/win! Sadly the NATC can't seem to think of the rest of the trials fans, only there own narrow interests.

It also addressed the problem of our youth not being on 125cc bikes like the rest of the world. Plus gave a solution to the growing problem of our lady riders falling farther and farther the European and Japanese girls.

Maybe now after the TCC days of disaster, they will reconsider?

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The blue and green routes at TTC are exactly what our Experts and Pros need to compete on at every National event. If you want easier sections, then don't compete at this level. If you don't raise the bar on section difficulty, there is no motivation to improve as a rider. We are not talking about Intermediate or Sport riders here... these are Experts and Pros. They are supposed to be our best. If they can't handle the World Junior and Youth sections, then they don't deserve recognition as "Expert" or "Pro".

Edited by MattR
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Matt, even though I agree with you in priciple that the sections need to be much harder like they where in the 1970s nationals. Which were much closer to world championship sections of the day compared to todays nationals. That may not be possible. Here's why!

When I made my deal with the NATC chairman to provide a solution to our sagging riding levels. I promised not to destory the sportsmen competition we have developed and is enjoyed so much by a large number of clubmen riders. They are also the majority of income for the NATC and the importers.

That's why I adopted the El Trial De Espana foremat of easier technical sections to start with. Then a finals with world class sections for the best 5 top "pro" class riders and best 5 125cc riders using easier gates for the 125s. Just like we see in current world competition.

This comprimise gives the best of both worlds without cheating anybody, pro, 125 or sportsmen. Someday we can hope that the 125 and Pro class become so large again we can have differnt days competition or complete differnt series for the sportsmen and the 125cc and pro riders.

That is if entries can be increased with better service of the entries as a whole.

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Harder sections doesn't always mean bigger steps, more spectacular hill climbs, usually equalling more spectacular wrecks. Some of the hardest trials never measure on the "oh SH*&" scale at all. But the US needs to work towards harder sections to accommodate the possibility of a rider wanting to compete at the world level. It is a disservice to the up and coming riders who have the possibility to be at that level if the jump from NATC to WTC is too great isn't it?

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