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Starting Problems Gg Txt 300 Pro 2005


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Just bought a used GG TXT 300 Pro 2005 this week and when driving for the first few times, starting needs minimum 8 kicks while cold and 4 kicks when warm :beer: . I have replaced the spark plug, but no improvement. :P

I have found the advice with the gap between flywheel and pick-up in this forum. Does anyone have a recommended gap between these parts? :stoned:

Are there any other useful advices to consider? <_<

Greetings from Austria!


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Have you checked the spark ?

If it has a good spark then the gap shouldnt be a problem ? but if its a weak spark then i see your point, i dont know the gap off hand but im sure if you rang a dealer they would tell you,

altho its bank holdiay this weekend so will be no good till tues to ring them

sorry <_<


Carb not got ***** inside ? (stoppping flow of fuel)

airfilter clean

just for starters ?

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There is a techique to it I could start my 04 300 quite easily but all of my friends struggled, On my friends bike we fitted the head spacer which improved starting considerably.


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Thanks for your answers.

To Ian: How have you fitted the head spacer? Could you explain this to me as a newcomer? :P

To Magicmat: The spark is working perfect. So the gap is not the problem. :beer:

To Frank: "Harley-Kicking" with little gas when warm works very much better. <_<

To Lee: Is there any risk in reducing the gap to 0,5mm? :stoned:


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GasGas UK do a 1mm thick spacer you fitbetween the head and barrel to reduce the compression abit The main idea is to soften the initial power just off tickover.

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My 280 will take several kicks to get going, especially after stalling it or cold. I have found a bit of trick that seems to work though. If the engine is totally cold, I just push thru the kickstarter gently 3 times to prime it (with the choke on) and it starts 1st good healthy (Harley) kick.

When its hot and I've stalled it. A couple gentle pushes on the lever to clear its throat, then one kick again. (no choke obviously)

I've been doing this for a while and it works lovely... my instep is no longer sore from kicking.

I used to put the bike in 2nd or 3rd and rock it to prime it, but this seems to work much better. I could use a depowering spacer though, if anyone has any leads.


2002 280 Pro

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When anybody else tries to start my '05 300Pro, they kick and kick. I tell them to not give it any throttle at all and it usually starts with the next kick. I rarely have to kick it more than twice, whether cold or hot, for it to start.

Good luck,


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Mines an 05 280,

I prime it with some soft pushing to get the compression up, then kinda stand up and then lean on it and kick,

Picked it up from Ryan young on his dvd, seemed a much better way than i use to do it, quite easy to start all the time.

But not when its in gear..clutch drag and all that.

This may not help, sorry if it doesnt

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I have owned an 04 280 Pro, an 04 1/2 300 Raga and now an 06 250 pro. The 300 was a much tougher bike to start UNLESS you developed a "harley kick" approach to starting it. I installed a head spacer and it helped significantly but the correct techinque will do he trick every time. The Ryan Young training video does demonstrate the proper technique, if you really get the motor spinning it will fire in 1-2 kicks every time.

Take some time to learn the proper technique and life will be good with your 300. All my buddies would struggle to start it because they would kick it like a girl. BTW, the 250 starts like a dream, BIG difference over the 300. It's easier to ride too!

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If its any consolation my 05' raga starts easily, but as mentioned above , no girlies need apply.

reminds me of an appropriate old saying "no'somethin for weans(kids) to be playin' wi'" ....excuse the Glasgow accent


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I've own a 04 GasGas txt 280 pro Yes it is sometimes hard to start when hot. First give two kicks, No throttle if it didn't start try one kick with choke on then turn choke off and kick again wiith 1/8 throttle has never failed me. Sounds like a pain in the--- but the Gas Gas has enough advantages to offset the starting problems

RC :crying:

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