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Buying Land For Trials.


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Which countries don't have "Anti Fun and Anti Bloke laws"....I'd consider emigrating to one of them.

Because by the sound of it, in Australia, it simular to the UK :crying: ....it must be something to do with the British Empire. :P

Best of balance.


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i would recommend strongly you have the appropriate insurance for running a practise ground after a long list of court cases involving MX practise tracks

the landowner, event organiser and rider all need insurance, most notable 3rd party (riders) and public liability (between organiser and landowner)

contact "marsh" (out of Tunbridge wells) or "bowing's" (old ACU insurers) to see what they can do. problem with a trials practise ground as a commercial enterprise i bet the Health and Safety at work act kicks in as well.......

even if you run a bouncy castle you need public liability (court case at a mx meeting, the boucey castle didn't have it, organisers got screwed)

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