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:rolleyes: Its about time I cleaned out the exhaust on my 2002 Rev 3 250.

I've read some ideas of burning the goo out of it. BUT..I'd be happier trying to clean it out with fluid. I was thinking petrol or kerosine.

Any advice/other ideas/information.....I'd be very happy to hear it...before I "learn by my own mistakes"....AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

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Stu: I once soaked the exhaust parts to my '86 Cota 304 in a five gallon dip bucket of carb. cleaner overnight. It cleaned them beautifully and I rinsed them with the hose and wirebrushed them all purty. Then I spent the next half dozen rides sniffing deadly poisonous toxic smoke. That's why I still recomend a catalytic burn with a rosebud tip on your oxy-acetyline welder. Just be sure to do it well away from anything flammable and outdoors. Maybe lay it on something metal too. Let me know how you get on. JL

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Stu: On the aluminum parts melting is a consideration. Get the fire started inside the muffler and then feed it compressed air until it stops smoking. This will probably take ten minutes or so. Only your common sense will be able to tell you if it looks like it's melting. Hopefully the fire will be concentrated on the resonator and not so much the housing.

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I usually only keep my rev for a season but I still try to keep up with any maintaince the bike might need. I always check the headpipe and midpipe and have never seen any need to burn them out. The muffler itsef can be easily removed, taken apart, cleaned up like new, repacked, and put together. Maybe I am not seeing the problem you have but I see no reason for burning the system out.

Good Luck, there a great bike,


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