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Tube Into Rear Tyre ?


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The rear tyre leaks on my bike and your advice on how a tube(heavy duty)would survive in that enviroment would be appreciated.Looking at the forum archives on this topic with grease and silicone has me looking for a cleaner solution.

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all i can say really is take the tyre off and really give everything inside including taking the rim tape off and clean underneath that and make sure all spokes are tight and then grease under the rim tape, put rim tape etc back on and clean it all and put the tyre back on and blow it up so it pops out and check the tyre etc at that see if it is still leaking

putting a tube in a tyre doesn`t really make that much difference to be honest but you can sometimes get snake bites from it and that

hope this helps

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ive had this problem and how annoying is it :D i basically gt the tyre took off..took off the rim tape and took out the valve, cleaned the spokes and everything thats under the rim tape ie.spokes..a wire brush works the best i found.Then purchased a new rim tape,a heavy duty one and also a new valve,i put on the valve but before i put the rim tape on i caned loads a silicone on make sure you get into all the nooks and krannis though and rght round the valve but not where air go's through it obviously.Put the rimtape back on and let it cure for like 2 days or something put your tyre back on and it shud never leak again :thumbup:

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