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Route Order


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All depends on which part of the country and which club.

:rolleyes: For instance in South Midland centre Clubman and Novice ride same middle route.

Expert and Inter ride same hardest route


In South Eastern centre generally Novice ride 2nd lowest route Clubman are mostly called Sportsman ride that route also and Inters ride their own route and Experts ride the hardest route.

How straightforward is that in just 2 Centres? :hyper:

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Stratford-Upon-Avon Club routes.

A route, Hard: Expert, Inter, Youth A

B Route, Moderate: Clubman, Over 40, Youth B

C Route, Easy: Novice, Pre-65, Trail, Youth C

D Route, Very easy: First timers and Youth D

That said, we have some Inters choose to ride the B route and some clubmen ride the A route, so there is no hard and fast rule.

In the results it just states Inter B or Clubman A.

The trick is to get there early enough to have a look at the sections before signing on.

For this year we are also running a Sportsman class on a no award basis. S class riders may swap and choose from any route on any lap in any section. This class is for those who just want to have a ride around and are not bothered about their score.

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as said above it varies dramatically from club to club within a centre and even more across the country

South east is generally

yellow - wobbler, pre 65 (particularly rigid and sidecar), sidecar, twinshock (sometimes, can be up to blue) youth D

red - novice, youth C (and the some to all the above)

blue - inter, youth B

white - expert, youth A

but this is no hard and fast rule. the yellow route isn't at many trials. most are just red, blue and white. some are solo only, changing the nature the the yellow/red route, other expect only modern bikes to enter so will feature different obstacles/route style accordingly

class names like clubmen, sportsman, over 50, etc will often appear as well making it very confusing (at best lol!)

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