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Hawkestone Weather

slapshot 3

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Last Forecast for the weekend, I'm off on my hols now and missing Hawkestone AGAIN :beer::wub:

However, hope the pics work.

What does it mean, well Saturday afternoon could be grim, a band of rain spreading across the country (the blue, green and yellow dots and triangles) through Sat afternoon and into the evening. The wind will pick up a little as well but temps still into the 20s, rain should have pushed through by mid evening and shouldn't water the beer down. (because of the geography around Hawkestone you might get away with only lighter patchy rain but you've been warned.) As long as there enough to irritate King Adam B)

Sunday, no rain and fairly pleasant, though there is a chance of an odd shower as the day progresses but they'll be few and far between (the odd blue v on the 2nd pic) not a breezy as Saturday. Should be okay.

The gray back ground: the darker the gray the less cloud, white areas overcast low cloud.

Blue o's light rain Green Moderate

If Andy gets plastered make sure somebody gets some good compromising piccys of him <_<

Hope the weather plays into Doug's hand and he takes the 100th he richly deserves.

Pic 1 1pm Saturday Pic 2 1pm Sunday

Have fun y'all

Edited by Slapshot 3
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