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Past Masters Trial At Hawkstone


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Jordi wasn't riding because his mum was unwell. He was still on a standby flight right up till the last minute. Disappointing, yes, but totally understandable. As for Amos and his "where is the money?" that is just typical Amos - joking and messing around. Bear in mind there were a similar number there on Saturday last year. People will go regardless to pick their viewing spots for Sunday, to get autographs, browse the traders, watch practice etc etc. The mini-masters was a bonus over and above last year.

I had some insight into the hassles and the bulk of it was down to one or two local residents. The only police involvement I am aware of is with someone who got a*sey on the campsite. Of course, with the Trial rumour mill this has no doubt got to the riot shields, water cannon and tear gas stage :thumbup:

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Thanks for that-pleased to hear Hawkstone isn't likely to be at risk for the future.

Regarding Jordi, thanks for the explanation and totally understandable under the circumstances. Just would have been nice if Jack Burnicle had been briefed about this to explain to the crowd-let's hope he can make it next time-I have great memories of him riding a Hawkstone in the 90's and bet he can still show the young pretenders a thing or two!

As a person "in the know", what do you think the odds are for expanding the Mini Masters in future? Looks like a winning formula to me.

Edited by Speckled Hen
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