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Mid Wales Novogar


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Just a reminder - the regs are out for this years Mid Wales Novogar round on 24th September.

Last year was our first year as a Novogar. We were happy with it. Riders told us they were happy with it, from the top boys to the stragglers at my end of the entry. We aimed to get the top boys on around 15 marks, and we ended up with Sagar on 13 so not far off. Hopefully we can hit roughly the same mark again this year. It is a very sensible round - not easy, but nothing stupid. Lots of streams through brilliant countryside. Good marking for riders and support vehicles.

One retirement last year, but that was old Marky G and his hands are made for washing up :blink:

Throughout the whole trial last year there were only 2 sections that we were disappointed with - the mud ones too easy at first, then turned to **** - so we've scrubbed them and found a new stream - and it's looking good.

Let us know if you think there is anything else we can do to make it better, and we'll have a go.

Limited accommodation available very locally, more available short drive away if you're travelling far - space for campers near start, but need to pre-book, it's in a country pub car park. Contact me if you need me to find some numbers.

I retain the same job as last year - get the Southerners drunk the night before to give the local lads a chance :o I'm sure I remember Wayne Holdsworth doing "Roll out the barrel" to the wee small hours last year, and he still came in the top 10 - that's stamina.

More info available at www.trialspace.co.uk Click on the Novogar News Link

Entry limited to the first 400 :o

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And for anyone local - If you fancy helping out in any way - observing, timekeeping, swapping punch cards, marshal, anything, please let yourself be heard. If you think you're too new to trials to help out, you're wrong!!! We need you!!! No clicks in our trials, we've got too many weirdo's and foreigners like myself to be clicky :blink:

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Yeah - i know what you mean Dabster. These aren't decent mud sections though where you've got a chance to blast through it and have a good ride. Like Gasserboy says, it's peat on the side of a hill. The observer took the p*** out of us too much last year :thumbup: Bad sections. Only way through was to walk it through.

We sort of thought that it might give the earlier entries a chance last year, but even so, they were really bad sections - maybe we'll turn something else up somewhere.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Come on - get your entries in - up to about 60 so far with three weeks to go.

Just over a week before entries close.

For all those that entered the Manx 2 Day clubman route, the level of the sections should be about right for you.

Get an entry in - and come down to see some quality trials land. It's only just over the border in to Wales, so not too far from the beaten track.

Regs attached


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Entries close at the end of the week.

Give Graham Evans a call at David Jones Motorcycles if you're stuck - 01686 625010 Option1

He's the secretary of the event and can help out with entry.

The start is about 15 miles West of Welshpool - a little place called Llangadfan

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  • 2 weeks later...
Gonna be a good one! Just hope i dont break anything before it! i wanna ride this year!


Well Darren probably meant this in jest, but......

While we were marking out on Saturday Daz managed to have a bit of an off. Broken leg last year. This year he went one better. Broken wrist, broken rib, and punctured kidney.

Now out of intensive care and I believe on the way to recovery, but will get update from Elwyn and Jean tomorrow.

Probably unable to get to the web from hospital, but get well soon mate.

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While we're at it, got to say a big thanks to Elwyn Williams. 67 years old and marked out most of the trial - in fact all of it, just on some of the days, he had one or two of the rest of us along with him.

There are loads of other people involved too and I don't want to mention anybody else in person, because I am bound to leave somebody out.

Big team effort by the Mid-Wales Centre and also assisted by members of bordering centres, particularly on the observing front.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed - could do with getting some more people along next year. Just under 60 entries is a bit disappointing after 4-6 weeks of marking out and organisation, and it really is some excellent land. We can just put flags either side in a lot of places.

If you rode and enjoyed, then please let other people know so we can break even next year :wacko: An extra 20 riders would make all the difference - once you pay for land and the facilities at the start, and get the observers a bit of a breakfast, it's pretty tight financially - part of the reason that the centre runs this, rather than just one club.

I know there's loads of people out there who would love the trial! We wanna share it - get here! :guinness:

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