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  1. So sorry to hear of Sid Samways fatal accident used to ride with him in the nineties also went to France with him rode French greybeards and also Greybeards and Bluebeards UK late 80's and 90's and also local trials in the south west prior to moving to New Zealand 2003. Will be sorely be missed RIP Sid http://www.blackmorevale.co.uk/update-motorcyclist-killed-in-collision-near-compton-abbas-named-by-family-as-sid-samways/story-30246057-detail/story.html
  2. Any one know where we might find a sticker kit for a 2015 racing only my granddaughter has recently returned from Europe where she rode the TDN and couple of world rounds whilst there. She also also rode the World round in Tong while staying in the UK prior to TDN etc. The petrol from Europe has stained the existing stickers with like nicotine. My son has tried to source some here in New Zealand, and Australia but no joy does anyone know if someone has any, it seems a problem to obtain them being when they changed the Gas Gas ownership!
  3. Going into his shop was like going back in time about 30 years, He was one of the 3 man team of the Devonshire dumplings team Blue/Greybeard trials West Sussex on a really nice Bantam when I last rode there about 26 years ago.
  4. My grandson's 2014 Raga 300 bottom bolt Reiger shock keeps coming loose have tried loctite quite a few times but it still keeps coming loose. Has anyone had this problem and how to cure it? tried a spring washer same size as hex head but it seizes the shock as the spinde doesn't go right through by that washer depth. I don't think there's enough room to get a nylock nut on a longer bolt.
  5. I was trying to tell the guy what worked for me tried several times the Jim way it didn't work as they seem to get stuck solid and the puller method worked for me a couple of times on different GG bikes offered advice whether its taken is up to the original enquirer?
  6. They do get stuck on the spline and you might need a puller to get off, I have taken mine to motorcycle shop and the guy did it for and didn't charge me. As they usally have the right puller to do it with.
  7. Yes welcome to the wonderful world of trials you'll be fine just take your time to learn the basic's first on your lawn figure of eights and balance, and go out practicing. But when you actually start riding trials is where you can better yourself lap by lap. Just soak it all in and learn by your own mistakes as there will be a few. I never started until i was 38 and now 73 your on an easy bike to ride everything works try a slow throttle and possible flywheel weight which you can remove when you get more confidence. We heard a bit about you from Nigel as we stayed with him this weekend just rode the big easy 45k cycle ride 2nd year, best of luck we are a friendly arm of motorcycle sport just go and have fun seen a lot of people come and go over the years but you will encounter friends for life.
  8. Has anyone tried removing S3 wheel stickers to refit on to another set of wheels?
  9. What you do to your own bike if you have one to convert is entirely up to you we have a guy in our club who has converted one and has ridden it a few times but is not eligible to ride in our twinshock air cooled mono class here in NZ so has now got it on sale = http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/motorbikes/motorbikes/dirt-bikes/auction-772081876.htm
  10. My son has just bought a JCM 1985 kickstart missing just the knuckle left what would fit is this the GasGas air cooled engine model?
  11. Jon looks like you might be busy pity you don't do a 175 jig! I enclose your picasa pics concerning 250 frame mods = https://plus.google.com/photos/109171438807732712015/albums/5694268572989036097?banner=pwa
  12. Yes the Beacon rode there many times good memories, before moving to NZ 11 years ago. Did a trials school there 29 July 1981 Wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer. On a Wednesday public holiday for the wedding. It was organised by Dick Comer who was the Fantic dealer from Lydford, Nigel Birkett was doing the training. I see Doug Williams has got the same gear and helmet!
  13. Thanks for all replies I have cleaned carb again put fresh petrol in and it runs OK still very smokey. Will have to put a chain and sprockets and see how it pulls as I have another 175 that I can change bits to try. Going to try and make one good bike from two and try and alter frame etc as I also have spare frame. So its not going to be a 5 minute job.
  14. I bought a 1974 TY 175 about a month ago it had no spark, I have fitted electronic ignition. So the only way I get it to run is to remove plug and pour some premix in and it will run very smokey until its burnt the petrol I've poured in then stop. Does that mean its crank seals have gone and need replacing ?
  15. If you have the opportunity to try both let us know your findings or search TY section as its probably been asked!
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