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  1. Parts book dosn't say make of main bearing,but i would have thought any good make should do.
  2. So it looks like bit of a rare machine if my previous post is right. in your previous post
  3. bilks

    scorpa sy colour

    Yes that's the best way,but the paintshop should know that anyway.
  4. You can find handbook here http://www.gasgasmotos.es/en/manuals.html
  5. bilks

    scorpa sy colour

    Don't know RAL CODE It's the same as a lot of the Yamaha road bikes, the colour is dpbmc - Deep purplish blue metalic
  6. bilks

    Sy 125 carb

    It's a Mikuni VM 20 SS
  7. Check your water pump housing
  8. Going on the forks possibly 96 https://www.betausa.com/content/trial-model-history-0
  9. Yes Danbilliam was just a tad slippy today,good throttle control was needed.
  10. Hope this helps taken from 2007 handbook
  11. Yes it possible to fit larger amp batteries as long as same diamentions as old 1's I fitted 12amp to grandsons Oset and charger would be ok also.try E bay for purchase.
  12. Yes Dan was observing at Grimethorpe also.
  13. No i was the Observer on sec 9 still suffering after a fall 3 weeks ago .
  14. I see you made it danbillam and 1ist place nice.No i was the observer on section 9
  15. Read this.Marking the same as Solo but passenger must not touch the ground http://www.southeasttrialscombine.org.uk/TSR22B ACU Handbook.pdf
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