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  1. I snapped my ACL riding trials, so it is possible! I’ve worn a brace since. It doesn’t really restrict movement.
  2. roester

    300 SS

    I think it depends how you ride. My 2017 Super Smooth 300 suited me because I like to ride on low revs in higher gears and, if you ride it like this, the engine is incredibly flexible, grippy, torquey, predictable and, well... smooth. I think it is much easier to ride than an early (2001 era) 290 Sherco and easier than a 300 Factory. I'm in my late 40s and not particularly fit. If your riding style is to rev a bike more in lower gears I think even the Super Smooth 300 would be much harder work than a 200. If you wind the revs up a 300 SS still takes off like a scolded cat!
  3. I think sections with mud, roots and cambers might help to level things a bit. Bring back muddy Butser Limeworks! My feeling is that a really good national level rider might still be able to compete in a world round in that type of trial. It would be tough and the cream would still rise to the top...
  4. I fitted Magicals, along with 7.5 wt oil, rather than 10 wt, to my TY mono and was really surprised how much difference they made. One of the best upgrades I have done. And yes, you are meant to have the tighter wound part of the springs at the top.
  5. I think it is worth considering putting two or three hundred aside to spend on the bike once you've bought it. You have to be pretty lucky to buy an older bike for that sort of money that turns out to have everything working really well and that is fully reliable. You can buy a good Beta Rev or 315 for £1300 to £1400. Why not hold back a couple of hundred to treat the old girl to some fresh bearings, seals, oils, filter and the other odds and ends that might be damaged or badly worn. I bought a fairly low hour 2007 Rev 3 a couple of years ago on a tight budget. I love it and it has been very reliable in the long run but took a bit of work initially (wheel bearings, fork seals went early on, water pump seal, brake calliper rebuild and pads, air filter, thermostat went, and a few bodges needed undoing). It has been a lovely bike since - smooth, stable, grippy and turns well. Best wishes
  6. I would suggest putting lots of obstacles all in the same area. If you have lots of banks, holes, ditches and logs fairly close together then you have a wide range of options for different sections. Good luck!
  7. I recently bought Answer 'pee wee' knee pads for my daughter and they seem ideal. The lower part tucks inside the boots. Lightweight and comfortable.
  8. It might be worth spending about £1300 and saving a couple of hundred to freshen up the bike - new grips, controls, plug, bearings, filter, fluids, silencer packing, and perhaps a tyre. The bike will be more reliable and will ride better. Good luck with whatever you buy.
  9. Thanks for your replies. I took the shock off, cleaned it up, put it back on and bounced around on it for a few minutes and fluid started coming out of the bottom of the shock - there is no crack - just where the base of the shock fits to the main body. Any ideas what has happened? Has the bladder gone? Looking at previous threads it looks like these haven't been available for a few years. Goudrons - have you got a contact for Ollie? How much was it? Many thanks.
  10. I've just got back from riding my 2007 Beta Rev 3 250 and noticed some oil around the bottom of the rear shock. However, there is no oil on the shaft. Can the shocks leak from the bottom? I have taken the shock off and there are no obvious cracks. The oil smells like suspension fluid I think. The shock has been working well although I did wonder if it went a bit dead near the end of my session today. The bike is fairly low hour. Thanks
  11. Nigel Birkett's fabricator made another batch of silencers - I think they have still got some. They are well worth considering. They perform well and also tuck out of the way better than some. The Magicals fork springs were a great upgrade for my bike ( it is a solo though). A couple of years later I'm still sometimes surprised what a difference they have made. Craig Mawlam was importing them - I assume he still is. Perhaps you could contact him through his Majesty website? Good luck - great bikes these Yams! Alan
  12. The DOT factory still exists, although they haven't made motorcycles for a few decades! You could try giving them a ring on 0161 8345472. They still have some spares the last I heard and are quite helpful. Cheers - Alan
  13. What a stunning bike - well done. It just looks so right.
  14. Thanks from me also - brilliant videos - I looked forward to them each day!
  15. Very low production but Cheyney and also Franks (Kelvin Franks - Australian).
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