BMCA British Bike Trials

  Sunday 17 October 2021, 10:30am
Download as iCal file
A - Experts, 2 or 4 stroke, up to 350cc Pre '70
B - Experts, Over 350cc /Twins / Pre Unti Pre '70
C - Intermediates, Any cc - 2 or 4 stroke Pre '70
D - Clubman, Any cc - 2 or 4 stroke Pre '70
E - Rigids, Any cc Pre '70
G - Gentlemen, In at Begins, exit at End Card, anywhere in between.
Machine eligibility – All machines must utilize engine, gearbox, carburetor, frame, hubs of British manufacture.
Note *FORKS are impossible to police BUT it is important to maintain the silhouette for the period.
Helmets - Must be worn at all BMCA events.
Contact  Carol (07932487884) Pete 07903133396)
Location  Church Stretton,
Links to any Regs/Entry Forms relating to this event will appear below
BMCA entry form page 1 and 4 events 2021 2022.pdf
BMCA entry form page 1 and 4 events 2021 2022.pdf