Round 1 of the Pre-Unit Championship at Nab End, Sowerby, West Yorks on the rocks and banks of this Pennine quarry venue.
Sections designed with big bikes in mind of average Clubman standard on Pre-Unit Championship route plus the Gentle route for beginner, senior and recovering riders on any Pre65 bike on an easier route with two laps to be ridden. White flags used.
The post code for the start on Steep Lane is HX6 1PF which is at the end of the unmade track leading to the start area.
Championship classes for rigid and springer Pre-Units, big twins and vintage two strokes.
All other pre65 and pre 70 British two strokes welcome on a non championship basis on both Clubman and Gentleman's routes.
Non members welcome to ride one event before joining.
Entries online as set out lower down in the comments. Riders should arrive by 10-00 am in order to be at their allotted starting section by 10-30.
Regs to follow.