H Machin Memorial Trial

  Sunday 28 May 2023
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Staffs Moorlands MCC's 2023 season gets off to a late start with the H Machin Memorial Trial on Sunday 28 May at Manor Steps, Quarnford, Near Leek, SK17 0SU.

4 laps of 10 sections will be laid out to cater for all Adult classes (£20) and Youth A & B (£15) with Hard route (red/blue), Medium route (yellow) and Easy route (white). Also a 50/50 route (half the Hard route and half the Medium route). 

Entry will be purely 'on the day' up to the 11am start time with cash payment only - old style!

Signs will be out to guide you in from the A53 Leek to Buxton road and - with any luck at all - parking will be in the field. In the event that the field is unavailable (too wet) we'll have to park on the roadside. There must be NO RIDING ON THE ROAD IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES please.

Enquiries to Pat Trafford - 07855 763943 or p.trafford@sky.com

Contact  Pat Trafford
Location  Staffordshire Moorlands,
Links to any Regs/Entry Forms relating to this event will appear below