Bassenthwaite & DMC D K Laing Trophy Trial 2023

  Sunday 05 November 2023, 10:30am
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DK Laing trophy trial

Round 1 of 2024 Northern Centre championship.

All adult solo classes and youth A&B.

Although this is multi lap trial it is still a good ride/distance round.

Three courses Hard, Clubman and Green-50/50.

10.30am start flagged off A66 at Threlkeld with usual good parking in the Quarry/Mining museum. Postcode CA12 4TT

Enter on the day only.


Strictly no practicing around the start area and no bikes to be started up before 10.30am due to being close to a residential area. Please can riders take a fuel can up to near section 1 to limit the number of bikes riding through the quarry.

As always we are looking for observer's (with or without bikes) , if anyone fancies putting a bit back into our sport you will be fed and watered. Any help would be appreciated.


Links to any Regs/Entry Forms relating to this event will appear below