Hull Auto Open Trial, Hartoft - Cancelled

  Sunday 10 December 2023, 10:00am - 05:00pm
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Hull Auto Club, Open Embro Cup Trial, Rock House Farm, Hartoft near Rosedale Abbey, North Yorks, Sunday 10th December 2023   -Event Cancelled

A venue inspection today (2/12/23) during current snow and frost conditions showed the land we have to cross to be absolutely waterlogged under the snow. With more rain forecast for next week the only decision to be made was to cancel the event.

Sorry to those who have already entered, we thank you for your support, refunds will be organised and we hope to schedule this great venue for a better time next year.

Jim Austermuhle

Location  Pickering, North Yorkshire UK
Links to any Regs/Entry Forms relating to this event will appear below