AMCA Summer Championship Trial Round 2
Sunday 19th April 2015
Venue: Hobs Hole Lane, Aldridge Signed off A452 Chester Road, Nearest Postcode WS9 0LR
Start: Sunday 19/04/15 11.00 am
Classes: Expert / Clubman / Novice/ White Route
Entry Fee: A.M.C.A. Licence Holders By- E- Mail - £10.00 on day £12.00
Guests By - E - Mail £12.00 on day £15.00
Entries To: Mr A. Clarke, Tel. 07530 180040
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Awards: As per AMCA
Observers: All observers will be very welcome, free entry for rider providing observer. First come, First served (one entry per observer)
Notes: Standard Numbers will be issued for this trial HELMETS MUST BE WORN
Vin no's will be subject to random checks!
All results for this event and future events are posted on our website:
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