Our annual two day trial will be held once again on that fabulous land at Cockhill Mine, Greenhow.
Nearest post code is HG3 5JQ. This is the site of the former Miners Arms. The trial is accessed via a narrow road to the north of the B6265 just under 1 mile to the east of this postcode.
As last year both days will count individually towards the club Championship.
Start times will be 2pm on Saturday the 13th and 11am on Sunday the 14th August.
Once again there will be room for you to bring your caravan, motor-home or tent but bring your own water and charge up the battery as there is no power available. No charge for overnight stays.
A portaloo will be provided.
Most of you will be aware that this is a very sensitive area and is under an agreement with Natural England for its protection from change. The agreement thankfully contains a clause that does allow for a limited number of motor sport events to be held each year. Please do not stray from the marked route or practice on the hillsides.
Leave no litter, only your tyre tracks!
A barbeque will be lit on Saturday night for you to cook your own food but unfortunately we will not have a catering van on site either day.
No special regs have been prepared, just enter on the day.
If you are doing both days and would like to feature on the combined results you should enter for both days on the Saturday. None members on pre65s or pre70 British bikes welcome.
Anyone who observes both days will receive extra bonus expenses!