SSMCC will be holding its next club trial at a new venue on Sunday the 20th of November. We have marked all the sections out and we can promise a cracking days sport..All the sections are based in and around a double quarry and is ideal for spectators aswell , with great parking. This will also be a round of the Midland centre youth championship. We have 4 routes from expert down to beginners, with the beginners route being ideal for small wheeled bikes and ossetts and anyone just starting out. The trial will start at 10.30 am and will be signed from Craven Arms and is only 5 mins from the main A49..Julia will be there serving hot drinks and breakfast butties, so why not come along .....This venue is ideal to walk around aswell so you will be able to see every hopefully see you on the 20th...any questions please give me a call on 07890 269210..