Our next club trial will be on November the 19th and will also be a round of the Midland centre youth championship with all classes catered for.
The venue will be Long Lane quarry and will be signed of the main A49 at the 30 mph sign as soon as you enter Craven Arms from the Church Stretton side.
Hope that hasn't confused everyone too much..
There will be 10 sections of 4 laps and its all based in a nice double quarry and this venue is ideal for spectators as its quite a small venue
but as you will see some great scope for some fantastic sections.
Start time will be 10.30 am and hopefully Julia's tea van will be there. We will confirm this nearer the time...so hopefully see you all there .
This will be the last event of the year for the club before we go full on for the Vic Brittain trial at the end of January 2018..We know its a little way off,
but if you can give up some time to observe this event we would love to hear from you....See you in November.