Today saw us make the relatively short trip, firstly down to Kinlochleven, home of the Scottish Pre-65 Trial, for the sections at School Falls, however nobody seemed to be able to find them and they certainly weren't in their usual place, so we opted for Grey Mares Tail instead. Not the best sections for photos as the bulk of it is in a very dark gully, but there is a lighter spot at the end. From there is was back to Lagnaha, though different sections from those we visited on Monday and finally a few shots back in the parc ferme where frantic fettling was going on. Suffice to say it was a very wet day and, sadly, photo count was reduced by condensation in cameras caused by the conditions.
Day three results are attached at the bottom of this article.
Photo Coverage
Free Public Photos (16)
Trials Central Supporters Photo Coverage - Grey Mares Tail (112)
Trials Central Supporters Photo Coverage - Lagnaha (95)
Trials Central Supporters photo images are higher resolution and carry no watermark. We make a small charge per year for access to this content which helps fund the extensive cost of covering these events. All images are our own and will not be seen anywhere else.
Video is by John "Bigfoot" Hird and Matt Betts on behalf of the SSDT organisers.