Jonathan English At Lagnaha Day 1 2014 Scottish Six Days TrialOur images from the 2014 Scottish Six Days Trial are now available on our sister site at TRIALSPHOTOS.COM. All 1256 images have been named with Rider, Day and Location and are fully searchable so you can easily find the images you're looking for. Original high resolution digital files are available along with various sizes of photo quality prints.


After a number of years putting sponsorship money into the Scottish Six Days Trial, like everyone else, when the economy died, the belt had to be tightened. We have committed to the SSDT organisers that from 2015 we will resume our investment in the Trial via sponsorship (There you go Jeff - it's in writing now!) However, Trials Central is not a business. It is, and always has been, a hobby website so the sums are easy - the more we make, the more we can put back via sponsorship, event coverage etc. Income from the sale of photos from this year's SSDT is ring-fenced to top up the SSDT sponsorship fund for 2015. The more we get, the more they get so feel free to pick up a souvenir or two in the knowledge you're helping support the greatest Trial in the world!


Link to 2014 Gallery