Michael BrownLast week was the Scottish Six Days Trial which is the biggest event in the world…
Firstly I want to thank all the SSDT committee, the Clerk of the Course and the Secretary for a superb event. The new routes on Wednesday and Thursday were great and it’s a shame Wednesday was spoiled by the extreme rain which was mental! I guessed the sections would be tough on the Friday which didn’t help the early riders including myself, Michael, Alexz and Sam Haslam, but hey everyone has an early day and you just have to get on with it. So thanks again to the Club.
I have to start with huge congratulations to the winner Dougie Lampkin who claimed his 8th win which will only ever be beaten by Doug himself next year! He never ceases to amaze me and as James Dabill said in his great presentation speech if any young rider wants a role model for sheer determination, passion and ‘want’ then Dougie is the man…well done mate!
The best JST GG team rider was Michael Brown in 5th. Definitely not the position he or myself wanted but I saw him ride every section and he didn’t do much wrong at all. A cruel ‘5’ at Lagnaha on Wednesday for a so called ‘stop’ and early day Friday ruined his podium chances. He lost 15 on the Friday which at the front was excellent. Making no excuses for Michael his wrist was sore but didn’t cost him any marks. Being off the bike since WTC Oz (3 weeks) didn’t help but I'm pleased his wrist held up and will be ‘ok’ for WTC next weekend in Corsica.
Dan ThorpeDan Thorpe was next best JSTGG rider in 8th same as last year. I didn’t see Dan all week but Top 10 for Dan is a great result and I know he would have given 100% so lm pleased for him. He was also quite chuffed to beat his team mates Alexz and Sam Haslam.
Sam Haslam was simply fantastic for 4 days in second place behind Doug and was looking solid and confident. It was also Sams early day on Friday and he had a nightmare which wasn’t helped by a supposed ‘stop’ on one of the easier Pipers Burn group. He eventually finished 9th which was a cruel end to his week. Still Top 10 is a good ride for Sam who finished 15th last year.
Alexz Wigg had a mixed week finishing 11th and was also riding well but too many mistakes cost him dearly. He started great going clean on Day one. Losing 8 marks on the two sections at Upper Mamore on the wet Wednesday and a boiling bike unsettled Alexz but a new water pump seal soon sorted that. Wiggy kept on fighting all week and deserved better than 11th. The Scottish can be cruel sometimes to the top lads regards to mistakes and this year Alexz had a few too many. He’ll be back next year..
Next best gassers were the Spanish riders Moret and Picola who were 15th and 24th respectively.
I finished my 26th Scottish in 34th place, same as last year, waaaay too many mistakes because of lack of bike time. I was glued to Michael all week and helped out as much as I could keeping the boys entertained with my numerous crashes! I have never crashed so much as I did this year! Katy SunterSorry to Alexz Wigg whom I drenched at Pipers Burn for a childish ‘throttle stick moment’ after I was fived. Congrats to Adam Norris who thrashed be for the Over40 award. At least I beat my pal Juan Knight who was equally bike ‘unfit’ !
JST Team rider Jack Stones was 45th with a special First Class award….39th last year.
GG girl Katy Sunter was gutted to retire from the event after hurting her back. Katy is no quitter and guessed must have been in a lot of pain to pull out of one of her favorite events. Get well soon Katy from all at GGUK.
Congratulations to John Lampkin and Beta for winning the Team award (gutted!) and also the ‘Darts paddock competition’!
Massive THANK YOU to our trusty staff who worked 12 hour days in the paddock looking after all the GG riders. Factory Kev, Andy and Luke did GG proud and im sure all the GG riders would echo my thanks. A very long week for all!
Congrats also to all GG riders and in fact all riders regardless of the brand who finished.
John Shirt Jnr
Images from Trials Central/trialsphotos.com collection, 2014 SSDT