Entries for the 2015 Pre’65 Scottish Trial are now open, with the entry form available for download at the bottom of this article. Alternately, those wishing to enter can send an SAE to Anne Gordon, Pre '65 Scottish Secretary, Fairshiels, Blackshiels, Pathhead, Midlothian, EH37 5SX or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to have one sent to you.
The closing date for entries is Friday 5 December 2014 and, if a ballot is necessary it will be scheduled to take place on Saturday 6 December 2014, so you need to ensure that you post your entry in plenty of time. If you want a chance to ride do not leave it to the last minute! Only complete entries on a 2015 entry form will be accepted. Postal entries only - email entries will NOT be accepted.
Please take the time to read the accompanying notes and guidelines to ensure that you are aware of any changes to the regulations, and remember to send two A4 sized colour pictures.