Poachers Pre-65 Classic Trials

poachers pre 6565 riders turned out to contest Round 2 of the Club Championship at Wickenby Airfield just east of Lincoln on a bright dry spring morning. After a very wet preceding week, Clerk of the Course Errol Gowshall, assisted by Mark Francis and Mick Dawson had left it until the day before to set out the 8 sections to be ridden 5 times by the competitors. Nobody managed to return a clean sheet for the 40 sections, joint trial winners Mick Ash (James) and Tom Laycock (Bantam) were the only Expert riders to remain in single figures which, was a commendable achievement. Graham Dawson won the intermediate route, riding dads old Rigid Bantam and Clubman laurels went to Smiler Hutson finishing on an impressive 8 marks lost.


Poacher's next trial is the 1st Round of the NBBC 'Poacher's Bag Trial' on the 30th March 14, entry forms can be found on the club website at www.poacherspre65trials.co.uk