The ACU Trials and Enduro Committee recently agreed to make changes to the 2018 Acklams Beta Youth Trials Championships and also to the 2018 RT Keedwell British Trials Championships.
The Acklams Beta Youth Trials Championship will now include a Youth A class Championship in all the rounds planned for 2018.
The RT Keedwell British Trials Championship now has two significant changes. The first is that there will be a Elite Youth class for which riders who competed in the 2017 Youth A class that was part of the Keedwell series will be automatically accepted; but any other youth class rider can also take part but will first have to be approved by the T and E Committee. The Elite Youth will ride the Expert route. Applications can be made at any time to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Riders who elect to ride in the Elite Youth class in the Keedwell series will NOT be eligible for points in the Acklams Beta Youth A (or Youth B) Championships. Points can only be scored in one championship!
Secondly, there is to be a new Masters 50/50 route in the Keedwell series which will use 50% of the Championship course and 50% of the Expert course. The Committee have agreed that as they have been made aware that a number of 2017 Championship riders plan to move down a class, it was felt that the new Masters 50/50 route would be beneficial to the Expert route. Former Championship riders can only move down to the new Masters class but any of 2017s Expert riders can move up to the new Masters class or the main championship class should they so wish.
The Committee are aware that this new class may well reduce the numbers riding the main championship route, but feel the introduction of a Masters route would provide an ideal stepping stone for the series as a whole.