A small group of us, 7 actually, attended this years Agm at The Whitworth Vale And Healey Band Club, which saw everyone there agreeing to stay on in their current roles, with Michael Whitlow as Club President, and Alan Lord as our Chairman.
Trials entry fees Stay at £15, club membership remains at £5..
We will run 5 Trials in the club Championship, the charity trial on Boxing Day, As for the novice beginner series there was alot of debate. Basically, we have a piece of land booked for the first one, so we will run this and make a decsion on the future of this series, based on how well its supported and any feedback we get...Two years ago this series saw some of our bigger entries with very good reports back from those who attended , but since then interest seems to have have faded, we don,t want to cut the amount of events, especially those that try to encourage youth, but we,ve found ourselves asking the question, is it worth while?
Most clubs have a backbone of a few hardy dedicated soles that continue to give up their time to put on trials for the masses, but eventually and inevitably this will end, so its vital that more of our members take an interest in the club to enable us to keep putting on quality events.
The Pennine Trial had our biggest entry of last year, and that takes place this Sunday at Lee Quarry, thanks to everyone who helped last year, ALL who Observed and everyone else for your support....